Thursday 6 December 2012

Life Cycle Of A Star - Jordyn Reeves

Monday 3 December 2012

Compound Project - Zinc Oxide

Zinc Oxide

The chemical name and formula of Zinc Oxide are the same. The name is ZnO. Although it is most commonly called "Zinc" and "Zinc Oxide" another name that can be used is "Zinc White" as Zinc Oxide is white. The physical and chemical properties of Zinc Oxide are that it is odorless, white, a powder feel and it is nearly insoluble in water but it can be soluble in some acids It is also can form colourless crystals. Below is what this compound looks like which as you can see is a white powder.

Zinc Oxide is often added into different foods and regular everyday items. Some items are different sunscreens and creams. click here for some different sunscreens with zinc oxide in them. Although some common ones are batteries, some metals, foods and more. They are also starting to use zinc in third world countries as some child deaths are caused by zinc deficiency which can easily be fixed with sending batteries and other zinc rich objects to those countries. Zinc is also used to galvanize metals (coat metals with zinc) like iron and steel.
Zinc is also found is many cosmetic and over the counter drugs and creams like makeup, nail products, baby lotions, bath soaps, and in some skin protectors like diaper rash creams and sunscreens.
Zinc Of The Periodic Table:

Name: Zinc, Zn

Atomic Number: 30

Mass Number: 65.4

Ion Charge: 2+

Zinc Oxide is made up of Zinc and Oxygen (which is why is called Zinc 'Oxide')
Bohr Model For Oxygen: 

Oxygen is #8 on the periodic table which means it has 8 Protons and 8 Neutrons. It is also a 'Non Metal" On the periodic table. There isn't a way to have a picture of Oxygen as is it transparent and cannot be seen but it is still all around us at all times.

Symbol: O

Atomic Number: 8

Formula: O2

Mass: 16.0

Ion Charge: 2-

Cons Of Zinc Oxide:

Tuesday 27 November 2012

3-3A Lab: Calcium In Water

What Did You Find Out?
1. What changes (state, colour, shape of solid, formation of gas) did you observe during the chemical reaction?
A: With the phenolphthalein in the water, when the calcium is placed in the water it turns pink. The water bubbles and the calcium begins to jump around.
2. What is the likely identity of the gas that was produced?
A: Likely, the gas that was produced was hydrogen.

2-1B Lab: Generating and Burning Hydrogen Gas

2-1B Lab: Generating and Burning Hydrogen Gas:

1. The zinc starts to bubble and the bubbles surrounds the zinc. It does not change the colour of the zinc but, it does change the colour of the water. Eventually the water will become white.
2. Eventually the zinc might start to change colour if left in for a very long time, but another thing that could happen is that it starts to disintegrate.
Conclude And Apply:
1. The appearance of the zinc is still its original colour (silver/grey) and there are many bubbles surrounding it and continuously moving.
2. The gas was put into a test tube.The tube was then turned over and a a glowing wood splint was put to the spout of the test tube resulting in an explosion sounding like a high pitched "pop".